Author: pickleballcanada
Food Court Vendors
- Goatee and Badger
- Little Red Barn
- Little Ice Cream and Soda Shoppe
- Boston Pizza
Meal and Entertainment Tickets
WITHOUT using Pickleball Brackets
Send email to stating which meal, how many tickets, names of each person attending (if possible)
Follow the email up with an eTransfer (Interac) to
Repas et billets de spectacle
SANS utiliser les supports de Pickleball
Envoyer un courriel à en indiquant le repas, le nombre de billets, le nom de chaque personne présente (si possible).
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Brewery Tours / Visites de brasseries
**Snake Lake Brewing Company**
Live Music Thursday 7 pm, Food and outside patio, family friendly
26 Industrial Dr, Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1P4
(403) 858-1159
Sawback Brewing Co
7023 Johnstone Drive, Red Deer, Alberta T4P 0LP
Something Brewing
6610 71 St #5, Red Deer, AB T4P 2Y7
(403) 803-9543
Belly Hop Brewing
8105 Edgar Industrial Dr, Red Deer, AB T4 3R2
(403) 318-0853
Troubled Monk
5551 45 St, Red Deer, AB T4N 1L2
(403) 348-2378
Wild Brewing Co
5579 47 St #12, Red Deer
(403) 346-1939
Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 11am-4pm
Drummond Brewery
6610 71 St, Red Deer,
(403) 346-1146
Hours: Mon-Sun 10am-11pm
Red Hart Brewing
488 McCoy Dr #112, Red Deer County
(403) 342-1048
Hours: Mon-Thus 2pm-8pm, Fri-Sat2pm-10pm, Sun 2pm-6pm
Local Markets / Marchés locauxs
Red Deer Market Saturday mornings 8:00 am to 12:30 pm, 4725 43 Street, Red Deer
Gasoline Alley Farmers Market Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, 558 Laura Avenue, Red Deer
Market Kitchen at the north end of Gasoline Alley Market. Fri-Sun 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Restaurants, Craft Breweries, Taprooms, and Coffee Roasters
Downtown Red Deer Market Little Gaetz Ave, downtown Red Deer every Wednesday outdoors, 3:30 pm-6:30 pm
Westerns Rescheduled
The inaugural Western Canadian Regional Pickleball Championship has been rescheduled to July 22 – 24, 2022. The announcement by the Saskatchewan Health Authority that they will be using the International Trade Centre for a mass vaccination site, along with the ongoing restrictions related to gathering limits and travel make this decision unavoidable.
Please mark your calendars for 2022 and plan to join us. We will all be ready for a good time and a great tournament experience by then! In the meantime, stay well and keep safe.
PC Tournaments website launched
Just in time for New Years, the new website has been launched with the Pickleball Canada Canadian Nationals section. The content will continue to be developed and refined right up to tournament time. Regional tournaments will be added at a later date.
Red Deer Pickleball Club to Host 2021 Pickleball Canada National Championship
VERNON, BC (June 5, 2020)
Pickleball Canada (PCO) is proud to announce the Red Deer Pickleball Club in Red Deer, Alberta, will be the host site for the 2021 Canadian National Pickleball Championship (Nationals). The dates of the championship are August 11-15, 2021.
The format of the Canadian National Pickleball Championship in 2021 will be an event open to all Canadian residents to crown the best-of-the-best players in Canada at all levels of play. The evolution of this event is that in time we will be able to select a National Team to represent our country at international events.
“The Red Deer Pickleball Club has been supportive of annual tournaments and provincial championships from the inception of the club to the present and we are appreciative of this committed and enduring relationship to the game,” said Richard Chambers, PCO President. “By holding a true national championship, we are providing additional opportunities for Canada’s best players to compete and crown a true Canadian champion.”
The Red Deer Pickleball Club has 20 permanent, outdoor, separately fenced courts, which were built in 2019. The venue features wind screens, virtually unlimited parking, permanent washrooms, and an area for an expo.
“The Red Deer Pickleball Club is honoured to be selected as the host site for the 2021 Canadian National Pickleball Championship,” said Gene Vollmin, Director of the Red Deer Competitions Committee. “We look forward to our partnership with PCO and the city of Red Deer in delivering a first-class national event. In Red Deer, our mission as a pickleball club is to grow our sport and host major competitions for all levels – men and women, professional and amateur, seniors and juniors. Hosting the 2021 Canadian National Pickleball Championship fits perfectly with our mission. We look forward to welcoming the best players from across Canada to compete at our dynamic new facility.”
With the 2021 Canadian National Pickleball Championship, Red Deer will become the first club to host a national championship in Alberta.
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